Steve and Joanne Auerbach

A Commitment to Fighting Poverty: Steve and Joanne Auerbach Leave Their Legacy at Robin Hood

Steve and Joanne Auerbach "We are not wealthy people, but everyone can help regardless of how wealthy they are.”

- Steve Auerbach

Steve Auerbach was born in the South Bronx and raised by a single mom. He later received a degree in Industrial Accounting from Hofstra University and moved to Hartsdale, NY. After working as a salesman in the food industry for several years, Steve started his own specialty food brokerage company. Joanne, originally from western Pennsylvania, holds a master’s degree from NYU. Joanne became a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist and was director of her department at the Burke Rehabilitation Hospital in White Plains for 39 years

The couple recently made an estate gift to Robin Hood because Robin Hood’s work is in line with the legacy they wish to leave. “After researching charities, we were convinced that this was a proper choice for us. We have confidence in supporting Robin Hood through their community partners who know the grassroots needs better than we do, and who will use the money in the best way. We are confident we are getting the best bang for our buck,” said Steve.

Joanne added, “We trust Robin Hood’s efficiency and effectiveness in fulfilling their mission—a mission we believe in. Steve and I both came from humble beginnings, but succeeded because we were given a fair shot at life. Everyone deserves the opportunity to succeed, and through its partners, Robin Hood provides that opportunity to those needing some help.”

Steve and Joanne are grateful for the chance to make a greater impact: “What could be better than to make a difference in the lives and futures of individuals—so their kids and grandkids can also have better lives? We are looking to make a difference, both now and after we are gone. It’s a good feeling to know that our legacy (actual and figurative) will help make the world a bit better.”